Call for Speakers

The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 2

Each year, Streaming Media events receive many more speaking submissions than available speaking slots. Because of this, we strongly suggest you submit your Streaming Media NYC 2024 proposal early. We often review and confirm positions upon receipt. Don't wait until the last minute to submit!

Note: Earned speaking slots are available for industry vendors only if they also supply an end user/customer to speak as well. We also offer sponsored speaking slots for vendors; contact Joel Unickow at for more information.

Session Types

There are two kinds of speaking sessions available:

How-To Presentations

Technical experts who are willing to share their practical tips, tools, or strategies for deploying online video, please consider volunteering to speak at Streaming Media NYC. We need presenters who can show people how to do things step by step as a stand alone presenter in a 30-60 minute session. We are NOT looking for product pitches or product demos.

Round-Table Panels

These sessions consist of four speakers and a moderator discussing topics pertaining to business models, monetization strategies and industry trends in a 45-60 minute session where no presentations are required.

Benefits of Speaking

All speakers receive a complimentary registration to the conference, plus great exposure in the industry — so think over your latest success stories or technology ventures — and submit your proposal today! At this time, due to the large number of speakers, we are not able to pay any travel or lodging related expenses.